
You're Invited To Use In-C

The Presbytery of Riverside would like to invite you to use our online directory!

It is online 24/7 and always available, and unlike annual manually created PDF directories, the information is constantly and automatically kept up to date.

  • Churches / Fellowships
  • Ministers
  • Committee Chairs and Members
  • Presbytery Staff
  • Pulpit Supply List
  • Plus more

The Presbytery Web Directory features the highest level of encrypted SSL security, like you see in the URL bar during online banking.

It is passphrase protected and only available to the people in the presbytery community.

You will need to obtain a Passphrase to sign in. You can then sign in by visiting the In-C website.

To receive your passphrase contact the office using the form below.

    All fields are required.

    You may use the passphrase to log into In-C by clicking the button below.

    Access In-C