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Thanks and Invitation from Rev Frances Lin

Dear siblings in Christ,

Thank you all for welcoming me into the Riverside Presbytery family with open arms and hearts. I am deeply touched by all the support I have received since I arrived almost three months ago. I have been visiting the different congregations and getting to know people. We just had a fruitful Leadership Retreat where the Chairs of different committees and commissions came together to set priorities and goals for next year. I am grateful to be part of the team to help guide, shape, and seek alignment with what God calls this Presbytery to be and do.

I am excited about a great opportunity that will take place here in our Presbytery. The Rev. Gad Mpoyo and the Rev. Rafael Viana, two staff members with the 1001 New Worshipping Communities from our denomination, will visit us on November 16, from 10 AM to Noon. Many thanks to the First Presbyterian Church in Redlands, as it will host the event on campus on behalf of the Presbytery. The Rev. Rafael Viana and The Rev. Gad Mpoyo will present the “What’s the Secret Sauce?” seminar for members of the Riverside Presbytery.

They will share the wisdom and experiences of new immigrant worshiping communities and those who partner with them. They will talk about the philosophical concept not easily expressed in English that resonates in particular cultures and enriches the communal life and the Christian theological understanding of the larger church in the same way an accent conveys a sense of communal belonging and a connection to a particular community of formation. According to a recent survey by the Pew Research Center, 68% of the 44.5 million immigrants to the United States identify as Christian. Here in Riverside Presbytery, we have a great opportunity in our community to serve neighbors from different cultures and countries.

Both the Rev. Gad Mpoyo and the Rev. Rafael Viana have led the seminars many times for the denomination as well as for several presbyteries around the country. I am excited for our people to meet them both and ask questions. We will have a registration link so we can make sure we have enough lunch for people. The session will be free and we would ask for some suggested donations for lunch if you wish to stay and have some fellowship time.

Registration link:

Here is a video about the event.

1 comment

  1. Rev Jeanie Shaw

    Please sign me up for Newsletters from Riverside!

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