Bringing New Life To Congregations
The purpose of the Vital Congregations Initiative is to work alongside leaders of existing congregations that are assessing, discerning and living into faithful actions that increase vitality. Through intentional spiritual practices that take them deeper into following Jesus Christ, congregations are transformed and the mission of God spreads throughout our particular communities and the world.

If your congregation is looking for an opportunity
- to review and celebrate its current ministries
- to revitalize by building deeper relationships with one another as followers of Jesus
- to engage in activities (via Zoom) that clarify a church’s energy, strengths and assets for future ministry
- to discern how the Spirit can be leading your church into new ways of connecting with neighbors and sharing the Good News
VCI IS The Right Decision!
The Vital Congregations Initiative is a process of holding conversations, in the context of prayer, that helps a congregation both celebrate its accomplishments as well as hear God’s invitation to love one another as God has loved us.
- The Vital Congregations Initiative is a spiritual process that renews congregations as they pray.
- The Vital Congregations Initiative helps churches look at the changing world at their doorstep, assess their assets and strengths and form a response of Good News to their neighbors.
- The Vital Congregations Initiative guides congregations into discovering how God is leading them into relevant, faithful and joyful service.
Riverside Presbytery’s Coordinator for Vital Congregations will work with a congregation’s leadership to develop a plan for their church’s revitalization. There is no prescribed, set plan that must be implemented. Instead the Coordinator will offer a number of activities that a church chooses and folds into their own custom plan. The coordinator will then be available to assist church leaders in implementing their plan for vitality.
The Revitalization Process
Foundational Preparation
The Vital Congregations Initiative is a spiritual process that renews congregations as they pray. VCI guides congregations into discovering how God is leading them into relevant, faithful service. VCI helps churches look at the changing world at their doorstep, assess needs and form their response to it. VCI invites churches to ask, “are we who we say we are?” And “are we who God is calling us to be?” VCI is a process for answering these questions.
Relational Development
Year One of VCI emphasizes deepening relationships of faith that will revitalize congregations. Churches that choose to take on this initiative will embark on an honest assessment of their life and ministry guided by trained VCI Facilitators and supported by the VCI national staff.
Incarnational Development
Year Two of VCI is about joining Christ in the new thing taking place, allowing the wonder of God to transform churches as they faithfully live into change and revitalization. We pray and plan and act so that God will lead congregations into missional action and faithful discipleship with Christ throughout our neighborhoods, our nation and God’s world.
The 7 Marks Of Vitality

Lifelong Discipleship
Lifelong Discipleship Formation is about daily life. It’s about how we claim and proclaim our identity as followers of Christ. It’s about how we practice our faith; how we grow in faith, cherish faith, and share faith in the world.

Authentic Evangelism
Evangelism is simply sharing the Good News. It is authentic and it is intentional, not merely expressions of kindness or good moral ethics.

Outward Incarnation
If discipleship formation is about learning/understanding/living the Good News, and authentic evangelism is about intentionally sharing the Good News in relationships, then outward incarnation is about not limiting where and to whom we share the Good News.

Servant Leadership
All people of God, in the image of Christ, are given fruit of the Spirit and spiritual gifts meant for building up the Church. In this way, we are all called to serve the Lord, to do our part in membership of the body of Christ. Every part is necessary. Every part is valuable, and every voice is important.

Spirit-Inspired Worship
Spirit-Inspired worship is a gift of God’s wonder! Six days we labor and toil, and on this Holy Sabbath day we get to come into the presence of God; we get to encounter the awesome mystery of the God who longs to be known in relationship with us.

Caring Relationships
Caring relationships seems an easy mark of vitality. We all want a place to belong; people who care about us. Many congregations would argue: “this is why we come together; we welcome and care for each other.” Yet, caring relationships in Christ requires true agape love; a sacrificial, self-emptying, perfect love.

Ecclesial Health
Ecclesial health is about: 1) Why we gather as a church community 2) How we practice being church together. It is about whether our mission, vision, and values match up with the ways we live together. It requires continual attentiveness, awareness, and assessment in asking “are we who we say we are?” And more importantly, “are we who God is calling us to be?”